Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Faculty Orientation Blogging Prompts

Reflection is an integral part of teaching.  In the spirit of "beginning as you intend to go on," we'll end each day this first week with time for reflection, here on this blog.  We've created prompts for each day, but you should use these only as you need them to spark your thinking about the day.

So much feels new.  Walk around in this newness.  How does it fit?  What's new that you like; what new that worries you?

(for teachers)  You've started talking about what you'll teach today.  Try to organize your thoughts about the "what" and "how" of your teaching. 
(for non-teachers)  There's been a lot of emphasis on team-building so far.  How will you work to build the teams you are a part of?

You should be starting to get a better sense of what's expected of you this year.  What are you most looking forward to?  What are you wondering about?

What were your impressions of design thinking? What was fun? What was hard? Have you used it in your classroom before and/or do you think you could use it in your class room this year?

You made it!  Now the fun really begins.  You will hear a lot about our mission and vision.  Please reflect on our mission and your part in it.


Our commitment is to develop in a caring community an individual who seeks excellence and embraces the "Driving Spirit" of Flint Hill School.