Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesdays Prompt

(for teachers)  You've started talking about what you'll teach today.  Try to organize your thoughts about the "what" and "how" of your teaching.  
(for non-teachers)  There's been a lot of emphasis on team-building so far.  How will you work to build the teams you are a part of?


  1. I'm clarifying the "what"? On the one hand, people might think that Algebra II and Trig are somewhat fixed areas of inquiry. I have a lot of experience teaching precalculus which comes after this course but am relatively new to Algebra II. There is a lot of topic overlap, so determining the what and the level of mastery of the what is a primary concern. Fortunately I have several FHS colleagues who have some answers to these questions, and I look forward to guidance from them.

    My regular approach to the "how" has always involved a lot of teacher direction, ameliorated by empathy, patience, and openness to new ideas. This year I want to open myself to improving my skills as a facilitator of constructed learning and thoughtful lesson planning. I am also interested in expanding my repertoire of skills for working with students with special needs. I believe in the power of group work, but I have a lot to learn about facilitating that well.
